UVP ChemStudio Western Blot Imagers for Chemiluminescence, Fluorescence, IR and Vis Fluorescence applications
Gel Imaging Systems
精确型SmartBlue Blue Light Transilluminer
BioDoc-It Imaging System
GelMaxImager With Optional Visi-Blue Plate
SmartBlue Transilluminer具有6.6“x 4.75”耐刮擦表面,用于观察DNA或RNA电泳凝胶|2808-09.展示精确型SmartBlue Blue Light TransilluminerSmartBlue Blue光发光剂不会损害核酸或DNA样品,并保护操作员免受UV光损伤;兼容SmartDoC凝胶成像系统
UVP的BioDoc-IT2成像系统采用宽门,可轻松采样访问和大型10“触摸屏显示器|1016-05A展示BioDoc-It Imaging SystemBioDoc-It2 Imaging Systems feature a higher resolution camera, larger touchscreen, and a new software interface that streamline the gel imaging process
Gelmax成像仪包括302 nm uv检测通道,用于可视化DNA和蛋白质凝胶|1016-00.展示GelMaxImager With Optional Visi-Blue PlateGelMaxGel Imaging System for 11.5 x 16 cm precast and mini gels features 17.9 Megapixels resolution, built-in 302mn UV and a 5-position tray in a simple workflow-based software
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