Terra Part # 8000-90
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Accessories related to Terra Part #8000-90
读取器;Lumistar Omega,发光,384好,BMG Labtech

•Lumistar Omega专用发光仪微板读取器可升级到多模式读取器


• Incubation up to 45 or 65 °C

• Well scanning up to 900 data points per well and measurements of up to 384-well plates





• Individual injection volumes for each well (3 to 500 µL)

• Variable injection speed up to 420 µL / s

• Up to four injection events per well

• Reagent back flushing

Lumistar Omega DLReady认证的微板读取器的其他功能:

•检测模式:发光(闪光和发光) - 包括BRET


• Microplate Formats: 6 to 384-well plates, user-definable






• Spectral Range Filters: 240 - 740 nm for LUM

灵敏度:LUM <20 AMOL/井ATP

• Read Times: 16 s (96), 47 s (384)


• Shaking: Linear, orbital, and double-orbital with user-definable time and speed

• Purge Gas Vent System injects an atmosphere pulls a vacuum into the reader

• Incubation: +4 °C above ambient up to 45 °C or 65 °C; incubation chamber upper heating plate prevents condensation build-up (on the lid or sealer) by operating at 0.5 °C more than the lower plate

• Software: Multi-user Reader Control and MARS Data Analysis Software included; FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliant


•大气控制单元(ACU)积极调节O2和CO2 -0.1-20%

•最多50盘的堆叠杂志 - 连续加载功能

• THERMOstar Microplate incubator and shaker



• LOD = 3 x SD (20 blanks) / slope (6 pt std curve)

• Microplates: white for LUM

• 96 = 96-well microplates

•384 = 384孔微型板岩

• LUMIstar Omega is upgradable to FLUOstar® Omega or POLARstar® Omega including multiple detection modes and UV/vis spectrometer

类型:Plate Reader


Wavelength Range:240至740 nm

Plate Configuration:384好

Reader Mode:发光

Manufactured by:BMG LabTech

Manufacturer SKU:LUMIstar Omega


Weight, Product:61.7磅

Dimensions, Product:17.3“ w x 18.8” d x 11.8“ h

  1. 4板容量为120-700rpm,孵育速度高达56°C,恒温型微孔培养箱和轨道振动箱具有4板容量;与BMG LabTech微型板读取器兼容|显示8000-87
    Increase Down 增加

Features and Benefits

BMG LabTech同时双重排放feature built-in Microplate Readers


Enables measurement of two emitted wavelengths at the same time reducing read times and increasing throughput ideal for multiplex Alpha assays


有关配件的完整列表,请选择产品,然后单击Choose Accessorieson that product page.
  • THERMOstar Microplate Incubator by BMG LabTech
    High-performance THERMOstar Microplate Incubator by BMG LabTech
    Compatible with BMG LabTech Microplate Readers: SPECTROstar, LUMIstar, FLUOstar, CLARIOstar, PHERAstar, POLARstar and NEPHELOstar

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  • Fastrak 24/7assigns a dedicated production team plus a dedicated senior expeditor working three shifts to meet your delivery specification.
  • Fastrak 24/7guarantees* to meet the agreed-to specified ship date.


* Terra的Fastrak Services Limited保证:要运送指定的ESD或日期,或退还高达Fastrak费用的100%。此保证不涵盖直接,特殊,结果或其他损害,严格限制了最高可用于Fastrak服务金额的100%。当由于特拉(Terra)的控制之外的因素(供应商的绩效,运输公司的交付等)以及随机因素(例如事故)而错过了指定的船舶日期时,最多可用于24/7 Fastrak的信用率可能不适用。根据所需船舶日期之前剩余的可用时间,将引用和接受订单后要求的Fastrak服务。

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